Tokyo: Day Three, Disney p. 1

Disney, what is there to say. Well, first, there are two Disney parks in Tokyo. There's Disney Sea and Disneyland.
Disney Sea first.
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Disney Sea does not have a castle in the middle of the park. I think it's a little like EPCOT in DisneyWorld. The center is dominated by a hollow mountain that shoots off black smoke like a volcano. This area is devoted to Jules Verne. There are two rides, 20,000 Leagues under the Sea, an exploration of the underwater world in a bathysphere. The other ride is Journey to the Center of the Earth, a story ride with a thrill. I do recommend Journey even though the fast pass goes quickly, and we had to wait an hour and a half to get on.
20,000 Leauges 
In front of the mountain is a castle with an Eastern European/Byzantine flair to it. We only walked through this area. The castle sits on a pond facing Venice.
Indiana Jones and the Mayan
Venice is mostly shops and restaurants. On one side of Italy is the Toy Story section and the American section. We didn't spend a lot of time in this area, but it does have a large ocean liner and the feel of a port. We did get on to Tower of Terror just before closing time. There was another section called Port Discovery. We went on the ride StormRider, a simulation of riding into a massive hurricane. But be prepared, water is involved. It's kind of intense.
In the back of the park sits the Lost River delta. This area has a Mayan pyramid which contains the ride Indiana Jones. It's a sampling of Indiana's adventures. Basically. it's a storybook ride, but Indiana Jones style, definitely not for little kids. The ride was so amazing, we went twice. We also went on Raging Spirits, a rollar coaster with a loop.
Agraba or the Arabian Coast
Then, there's Agraba, an Aladdin-inspired land. It looked like I was in the Middle East, not the Far East. Some of the blues and greens in the roofs looked like the turquoise domes of Timurid architecture. We didn't do much in this section, although we did walk to this area several times. We also rode Sinbad.
Near to the Arabian Coast was a Little Mermaid Under the Sea themed area, but we didn't stop here.
The atmosphere of Disney Sea is great. I really enjoyed walking through the different areas. It was fun to do so much traveling so easily. Journey to the Center of the Earth, Indiana Jones, Raging Spirits, StormRider, and the Tower of Tower are all great rides.


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