Questions I get Asked (by 9th Graders)

1. Are you married?
2. Are you married?
3. Do you have a boyfriend?
4. What club were you a part of in Junior High School?
5. How much money is in your bank account. (The JTE declined to have me answer.)
6. What's you blood type. (I think I heard or read somewhere that this is a more important topic in Japan than in the U.S.)
7. When's you birthday?
8. What do you think of so-and-so (So-and-so is sitting in the same classroom. The next time I get asked this question, I'm going to teach them the proverb, "Don't judge a book by its cover.")
9. What do you think of such-and-such teacher? (Such-and-such teacher is standing in the room.)
You simply have to be on your toes.


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