
A friend of mine shared a story at Bible meeting which reminded me of a story I heard a long time ago.
First, the old story.
I feel like people think that mercy and grace are interchangeble. They're not, and here's why. Imagine you decide to visit the zoo. You see the zebras, the elephants, and the snow leopards. Then, you are walking to the restaurant to order a koala-shaped elephant ear when you hear screaming and see people running past you. You turn around and quickly realize that one of the male lions has escaped from his cage. A resounding roar escapes from his throat as he bears towards you. You are rooted to the spot in terror, and you close you're eyes knowing that you will soon meet you maker. ...Your eyes are squeezed shut.... Nothing happens. You pry them open, and there, standing in front of you, is the lion. That's mercy. He had the right to kill amd eat you, but he didn't. Then, he steps forward and licks your hand. That's grace, unmerited favor. We need both.
My friend's story is this. Team's are like vessels. If they are unified, then the vessel is waterproof, and the Spirit of God can flow into them and over the lip of their vessel like a mighty waterfall onto other people. If the team is disunified and has cracks, the Spirit can still pour into them, but His work will not be as powerful. 


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